: CHAT  

The Hype Ranking is based on the Players' Hype Meter you find in every game page of Samurai Nintendo. The rules are explained here. Note that if a title listed in Samurai Nintendo doesn't appear in the Hype Ranking, it means no one has visited its page yet !

Samurai Nintendo's Hype Ranking
rank title points margin
1Captain Tsubasa - Ougon Sedai no Chousen629 |59
2The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess570
3Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen !388
4Zoids VS. III297
5Harvest Moon Another Wonderful Life250
6Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen ! 3243
7Fire Emblem - Souen no Kiseki227
8Super Smash Bros. Melee223
9Megaman X Command Mission188
10Harvest Moon Poem of Happiness152
11Mario Kart : Double Dash !!136
12Pokemon Colosseum123
12The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker123
13Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen ! 2120
14Zoids VS. II119
15Baten Kaitos 296
16Battalion Wars95
17Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix87
18Animal Crossing80
19Super Mario Sunshine77
20Starfox Assault75
21F-Zero GX69
22Gotcha Force63
22Zoids Full Metal Crash63
23Paper Mario - The Thousand Year Door51
24Mario Party 745
25The Legend of Zelda - Four Swords Adventures44
26Hello Kitty Roller Rescue43
271080° Avalanche42
28Dragon Drive D Masters Shot41
28Metal Gear Solid - The Twin Snakes41
28Pikmin 241
28Pokemon Channel41
28Sonic Adventure DX - Director's Cut41
29Mario Superstar Baseball39
30Charinko Hero36
30Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles36
30Killer 736
31Custom Robo35
31Skies of Arcadia Legends35
32Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life34
33Megaman Network Transmission33
33Resident Evil 433
34Super Robot Taisen GC32
35Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets31
35Soul Calibur II31
36Mobile Suit Gundam - Gundam vs. Z Gundam28
36Mutsu to Nohohon28
37True Crime : Streets of L.A.27
38Baten Kaitos - Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean26
38Luigi's Mansion26
38MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch26
38Sonic Heroes26
38Tales of Symphonia26
39Kirby Air Ride25
39Resident Evil25
40Mario Party 624
41Eternal Darkness - Sanity's Requiem22
41Starfox Adventures22
42Donkey Kong Jungle Beat21
42Mario Power Tennis21
43Zoids VS.20
44Amazing Island19
44Burnout 2 - Point of Impact19
44Mario Party 519
45Godzilla Destroy All Monstres Melee18
45Mobile Suit Gundam - Senshitachi no Kiseki18
46Lupin III - Umi ni Kieta Hihou17
46Metroid Prime17
46Metroid Prime 2 Echoes17
46Star Wars Rogue Squadron III : Rebel Strike17
47Donkey Konga 316
47Nintendo Puzzle Collection16
48Mario Party 415
48Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II15
48Wario World15
48WWE Day of Reckoning15
48X-Men Next Dimension15
49Disney's Magical Mirror starring Mickey Mouse14
49WarioWare Inc. - Mega Party Game$14
50Kururin Squash !13
50Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble13
5118 Wheeler American Pro Trucker12
51Chaos Field Expanded12
51Pac-Man VS12
51WWE Wrestlemania X812
52Bomberman Generation11
52Mario Golf Toadstool Tour11
53Robotech Battlecry10
53Super Monkey Ball 210
53Virtua Quest10
53WWE Wrestlemania XIX10
54Auto Modellista9
54Beach Spikers9
54Pitfall - The Lost Expedition9
54Red Card9
54Star Wars Rogue Squadron II : Rogue Leader9
55Doshin The Giant8
55Lost Kingdoms8
55Turok Evolution8
55Zero Fighter - Gekitsui Senki8
56Disney's Hide and Sneak7
56Donkey Konga 27
56Lost Kingdoms 27
56Zoo Cube7
57Aggressive Inline6
57Resident Evil Zero6
57Tony Hawk's Underground6
58Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg5
58Phantasy Star Online Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution5
58Second Sight5
58Viewtiful Joe5
59Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 24
59Donkey Konga4
59NBA Courtside 20024
60Pool Paradise3
60TimeSplitters Future Perfect3
61Legend of Golfer2
61Super Monkey Ball2
62Die Hard Vendetta1
62The Movies1
62Viewtiful Joe 21
62Virtua Striker 20021
63Wave Race Blue Storm0