: CHAT  

In this section of Samurai Nintendo, you will find access to the interactive areas of the site, areas where YOU, GameCube players, can take part. Forum, chat, polls, we have it all and more: an exclusive Player Portraits section, in which you just arrived.

Listed below are some players from around the world who all have one thing in common: the Nintendo GameCube. They gave us an interview, answering some basic facts about themselves and 10 questions which are always the same. Isn't it fun to know other people who likes the same thing as you ? What more, you could become the next player to be interviewed ! No matter if you are a passionate Nintendo fan or just a casual gamer, Samurai Nintendo is interested in you.

Who are the guest stars ? The guest stars are persons who work in the game industry, game journalists and game makers alike !

Beuark (boy, 28, France)
Big D (boy, 18, USA)

Cédricman (boy, 26, France)

Darkperenoel (boy, 15, France, guest star)
Darksoul (boy, 22, France, guest star)
Dr. Cube (boy, 18, France, guest star)
Dynax (boy, 19, Germany, guest star)

gonffen (boy, 15, USA)

James Temperton (boy, 16, UK, guest star)

Meta-Knight (boy, 18, Canada)
mini-yoshi (boy, 16, France)
Mr. Anderson (boy, 16, France, guest star)
miz (girl, 23, Finland)

Narayan (girl, 18, USA)
Nick (boy, 19, Canada)

Quiboink (boy, 16, Canada)

Toad (boy, 34, UK, guest star)