E3 2004
Electronic Entertainement Expo
Show from May 11th-14th | All May on Samurai Nintendo
- See the initial list of GameCube titles displayed at the show sorted by editors
- Regular coverage anytime of the day, of the week
- Coming soon: the boycott list of crap-head game editors !
- See all the main game previews: The Legend of Zelda (with adult Link), Advance Wars: Under Fire, Mario Tennis, Starfox, Geist, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Paper Mario 2, Pikmin 2, Zelda: Four Swords Adventures... and much more !
- The latest news:
_ A reader's view on the new Zelda
Not everyone became mad with happiness thanks to Nintendo's latest Zelda surprise, here's an opinion from a faithful reader (the only one ?) of Samurai Nintendo.
Preview of the new Zelda (comment at the end)
May 15, 2004
_ A few new 3rd party games announced
Nintendo has added a few more titles to the list of GameCube releases for the months to come, some had never been heard before:
- Fairly OddParents: The Shadow Showdown (THQ)
- Git on da Floor (XS Games)
- Git on da Mike (XS Games)
- GT Cube (XS Games) NB: finally coming to US though it's a bad game
- Jimmy Neutron: Attack of the Twonkies (THQ)
- Nicktoons (THQ)
- OC Racing (XS Games)
- Pac-Man (Destination Software) NB: unidentified game
- Power Rangers Dino Thunder (THQ)
- Shrek 2 (Activision) NB: just released
- Ty The Tasmanian Tiger 2 (EA)
- War Chess (XS Games)
- World Championship Pool 2004 (Jaleco)
- Zoids: Battle Legends (Atari) NB: see news below
May 15, 2004
_ New pictures for Virtua Quest
Sega got wise and found a new name for its "Virtua Fighter Cyber Generation: Ambition of Judgement Six" game, it'll be called "Virtua Quest". 39 letters less, well done. This said, we have new pictures, five to be exact; their quality is better than the ones we published so far, so the game looks better to and gets one more point in impatience level. It doesn't bring it very high though.
May 15, 2004

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_ Preview of TimeSplitters Future Perfect
Free Radical's famous FPS will be back next year in a new instalment. Here's a preview with a few pictures.
May 15, 2004

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_ New pictures for Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
There's been a really good feedback from this game at the show, it looks indeed much funnier and interesting than Donkey Konga, and good news, we just happen to have two new screenshots !
May 15, 2004

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_ Big news for Zoids fans
I know you are many Zoids fans around so here's a piece of news that you might have heard already: Zoids VS is finally coming to USA ! It was supposed to come for long, it had a release date set for last year, but didn't show up in the end. Now though, the decision is taken, as the game found a new publisher, Atari, which will replace Mattel. The game will be released on September 24, 2004 and there's a big change: Zoids VS won't be the one, but Zoids VS 2, the sequel, will ! Great news for all the patient fans, let's celebrate it with 5 news screenshots for Zoids VS 2 / Zoids: Battle Legends.
May 15, 2004

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_ Sega's new Phantasy Star
Sega has opened a site about a new game called Phantasy Star Universe, here it is: http://phantasystaruniverse.com (don't put the "www" before or it won't work)
I decided not to make a preview for this game for several games. One, the most obvious, it is not announced for GameCube at the moment, it is not announced for any system at all anyway. Two, whether the graphics are of very high quality, whether the current pictures available are just CG, and I would think of the latter one. Three, there's no date indicated and that leads me to two other points about this game.
The first one being that the absent of a date, just even a year, and the fact that the subtitle says "let the next generation of games begin" make me think this game will come out on next generation consoles and, frankly, I doubt it will be released for the, aherm, Revolution, since it's its new name. If Sega's ambitions are as high as the trailer hints, given what Nintendo's policy is, I don't think this game can make it up on the Revolution. The second point is that everybody says that it's the official sequel to Phantasy Star Online because these smart ass of IGN said it's going to be a MMORPG (I hate this stupid name, how the hell can you pronounce it).
I'd like to point out though, that there's no "online" in the title and if you want to make a direct sequel to something, you tend to use numbers rather than a new word. So personally, I would think it might be a sequel to the Phantasy Star saga itself (born on Master System, and long lived on Genesis/Megadrive) and not just a sequel to PSO. Wouldn't a new game that links all the past Phantasy Star games together in one coherent history be great ?
May 15, 2004
_ A new picture of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Yep, just one, but I thought you might want to see it.
May 15, 2004

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_ Preview of Amazing Island
Sega's unique action adventure and monster-making game is coming to the West (US at least, no info for Europe yet, but I'll tell you soon about that), it looks nice and interesting as you can see in the latest pictures.
May 15, 2004

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_ Preview of Odama
Four pictures and a quick summary, that's what we call a preview on Samurai Nintendo, err.
May 15, 2004

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_ Apology
Sorry for not updating in the past few days, I was busy updating for another site and then I got some little health problem. Fortunately, the most important part of the E3 has been covered in the initial days and I'm now ready to add the information of the last days. So, here we go.
May 15, 2004
_ Various updates
All game previews posted yesterday have been update with new official details, comments and more. The list of GameCube titles showcased at the E3 has too been updated.
May 12, 2004
_ Nintendo DS's games and editors list
A long list, see by yourself:
(*) shown at the E3, initial projects
(**) shown only on video
- Metroid Prime: Hunters (*)
- Super Mario 64x4 (*)
- PictoChat (*)
- WarioWare, Inc. DS (*)
- Mario Kart DS (**)
- Animal Crossing DS (**)
- NEW Super Mario Bros. (**)
- Nintendogs (**)
Nintendo's technical demos showcased at the E3:
- Balloon Trip
- Mario's Face
- DS Pikachu
- Special Effects
- Submarine
- Table Hockey
- Spider-Man 2
one title to be determined
- Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (*)
- One Piece
several other titles in development
- Dragon Ball Z
- games from Megaman Network series
- games from Viewtiful Joe series
- games from Gyakuten Saiban series (investigation and trial games)
- Need for Speed
From Software:
several titles in development
Hudson Soft:
- Bomberman (*)
several titles in development
- Dynasty Warriors
- Yu-Gi-Oh! (*)
- Frogger 2005
a few other titles in development
one title to be determined
- Pac-Pix (*)
- Pac'n Roll (*)
- a new Mr. Driller
- a new RPG
- Sonic E3 Demo (*)
- project Rub
- Egg Monster Heroes (*)
- a new Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles game
- a new Dragon Quest Monsters game
- Monster Rancher
- a new title by Team Ninja
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- a Rayman game
title to be determined
May 11, 2004
_ 13 new pictures for Starfox !
We actually replaced too the 5 pictures we published earlier with better quality shots, so there are 18 pictures. Enjoy !
May 11, 2004

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_ What Nintendo has to say on GameCube's future
Shortly after the conference, Nintendo dispatched a press release to journalists with a sum-up of the views they expressed during the event along with their exciting line up:
Traditionally the second halves of console life cycles are characterized by a sort of technological malaise. Game production slows and titles become less inspired as developers turn their thoughts and energies to their next systems.
But not this time.
With a bold lineup for 2004, Nintendo GameCube demonstrates that creativity follows no timelines. With the arrival of much-anticipated games like Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, the introduction of fun accessories like the DK Bongo controller and the demonstration of hard-core games like Resident Evil 4 from Capcom for older gamers, Nintendo GameCube strides into the months ahead with continued energy.
"By any measure this is an exciting lineup, offering something for longtime fans and novices," says George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president, marketing and corporate communications. "As always, we aim to entertain, excite and inspire, whether by bringing a new dimension to a familiar franchise or delivering something people have never seen before."
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, the follow-up to the exciting first-person adventure, takes Samus Aran on a wild, dangerous new mission, only this time the game offers a multiplayer mode that lets players hang out and play together. Paper Mario 2 has a two-dimensional Mario vying for audience approval while trying to navigate a 3-D landscape. The next Star Fox game will be an outstanding sequel with multiplayer options, while Pikmin 2 introduces fans to a new character and new types of Pikmin.
Leave it to Nintendo to come up with an exciting new way for people of any age to participate in and play video games. Donkey Konga uses a DK Bongo controller, a unique drumming accessory that contains sensors and microphones. Players beat the bongo and clap their hands to the music on the screen in a competition to see who has the best rhythm. Its a great party game for youngsters, college kids and adults. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, the next great Donkey Kong adventure game, also uses the DK Bongo controller, but this time the taps and claps control Donkey Kong's movements on the screen. Donkey Konga and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat are what social, interactive game play is all about.
The next Nintendo GameCube adventure in The Legend of Zelda series will arrive in June with The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. Link, who has been split into four copies, explores eight massive worlds while hunting for Force Gems. In 2005, Link will be let loose on a new and exciting Nintendo GameCube excursion to fight evil and seek treasure.
Because of the huge popularity of Nintendo franchise characters like Mario, Donkey Kong and Kirby, it's easy to overlook the many Teen- and Mature-rated titles made for Nintendo GameCube. Upcoming games like Resident Evil 4 and Killer 7 from Capcom, and Geist, developed by n-Space for Nintendo, deal with more mature themes, while demonstrating the overall range of titles and genres available for Nintendo GameCube.
Other upcoming third-party games made for Nintendo GameCube include Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos from Namco, Goldeneye 2, NASCAR Thunder 2005 and Madden NFL 2005 from Electronic Arts, and WWE Day of Reckoning from THQ.
May 11, 2004
_ Pictures of Starfox
Starfox was first displayed on video at last year's E3, the same happened again today but this time the game has improved quite a lot. The graphics though, are perhaps not all that great yet.
May 11, 2004

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_ New pictures of Geist
N-Space shooter looks much better than before as you can see in the 6 new pictures of our preview (at the top).
May 11, 2004

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_ Brand new look for Mario Tennis
Mario Tennis has been announced for a very long time, but now it looks that it's near completion and that it's a completely different game from its Nintendo 64's counterpart.
May 11, 2004

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_ First screens of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Donkey Kong is again in a musical game, but this time it's action-oriented as you can see in the eight screenshots we gathered.
May 11, 2004

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_ First pictures of Advance Wars: Under Fire
Kuju develops the game, it doesn't look at all like Advance Wars and well, that's no problem.
May 11, 2004

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_ New Zelda with adult Link and amazing graphics !!!
Nintendo is going to make many players happy with this one. They finally accepted to make a Zelda starring a mature Link with realistic graphics. No word on who's developping it, but we assume it is not Nintendo itself. We have our guess however on that matter, Samurai N thinks the game is developed by The Game Designer's Studio. We'll see if we're right or wrong...
May 11, 2004

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_ First infos on Odama
Nintendo released some information, here it is:
Mix all the intensity of classic pinball with the sights, sounds, and savagery of war and what do you get? Odama -- the first pinball game that throws you into the midst of mighty clashes between armies on boards laid out like chaotic battlefields.
Use the flippers to send Odama -- the giant pinball -- to destroy the enemy's barracks and turrets. Hit enemy soldiers with the ball to make them join your ranks, dam rivers, liberate extra flippers, and clear the way to the enemy's gate. If another player joins your game, though, they can control where the troops go and even help them dodge the Odama!
May 11, 2004
_ Revolution ! / Nintendo conference began
Nintendo chose a very ambitious codename for their next generation console: Revolution. That's what IGN tells us today. It's now around 11:30am in Los Angeles, and that means the Nintendo conference has started half an hour ago. We will provide you with news as soon as they arrive.
May 11, 2004
_ Latest Japanese ranking and planning
With the first results of Pikmin 2, the release dates for Donkey Konga 2: Hit Song Parade, three Konami games and Megaman X !
May 11, 2004
_ Titles of the first DS games ?
Following the first picture of the Nintendo DS that we published a little while ago, here's the list of the first titles, the list was found on GameFAQs and is not officially confirmed:
- DS Super Mario 4 x 4
- DS Metroid Prime Hunters
- WarioWare Inc. DS
- DS Picto Chat
Also known:
- Dynasty Warrior (Koei)
- one game from Square Enix for the system's launch
- Telegames's two games
May 11, 2004
_ Pictures from Nintendo's booth under construction
There are many pictures on the Net taken outside and even inside the L.A. Convention Center though it is still not opened yet to the public. We're not going to steal all these pictures and put them on Samurai N; not that we have a conscience, but that it takes too much space, so here are several useful links to see all these pictures:
- http://www.gcadvanced.com/media.php?gameid=1083 | 12 pictures (controls for DK King of Swing (GBA), Racing Gears Advance (GBA), Gundam Seed battle Assault (GBA), Mario Party Advance (GBA) and Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA), logos for Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GC), Advance Wars: Under Fire (GC))
- http://www.nintendo-inside.jp/media/screenshot.php?gameid=80030 | 10 pictures (controls for MP2: Echoes, King Arthur (GC), logos for MP2: Echoes, Fire Emblem (GC), Advance Wars: Under Fire (GC), Starfox (GC), Paper Mario 2 (GC), Geist (GC) and Resident Evil 4 (GC))
- http://www.n-sider.com/media/news-051104-e3expo04.jpg | Stage Debut's crate
- http://www.e3insider.com/photos/photoPax/large/IMG_3171.jpg | http://www.e3insider.com/photos/photoPax/large/1-Was-this-the-case-that-he.jpg | http://www.e3insider.com/photos/photoPax/large/Nintendos-Lighting-Designer.jpg | Pictures from the official E3 site
May 11, 2004
_ New Donkey Kong game: Jungle Beat
Thanks to site Kikizo Games, pictures from the showfloor of a new DK game have been unveiled:
The title is Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat and it appears to use the congas but to be an action game.
May 11, 2004
_ Cube Wars named Advance Wars: Under Fire
Pictures from the showfloor indicates that the name of the Wars titled developed by Kuju for GameCube is Advance Wars: Under Fire. According to GC-Advanced, it'll be released on September 27 in the US.
May 11, 2004
_ New GameCube game: Odama - pinball !
Some people from Nintendojo managed to grab a picture on Nintendo's booth of an upcoming game unknown to all. The name of this new game is Odama and it will be playable during the E3 (they also took a picture of a GC on display with the game's information). According to the picture and description, it is a pinball samurai game taking place in ancient Japan ! Oh my, Samurai Nintendo is becoming real ! Did we happen to influence Nintendo on the choice of this new game ? Sure, let's have a dream. Anyway, L and R buttons are used to handle the two sword-like (katana-like) flippers.
 Odama, that's it
May 11, 2004
_ First picture of the Nintendo DS !!
Here it is, and this time it's no fake. The first official picture of the Nintendo DS:
 The Nintendo DS, finally !
The most surprising about it is probably how little inspired it looks. At first sight, it doesn't look original at all, nothing more than a Game Boy with two screens unlike all the hype we heard that said it would be more than a Game Boy with two screens. Nintendo will need to work hard now to prove us the contrary... The direction cross and the buttons are as small as they are on the GBA SP, though this time there are four front action buttons. One surprising thing though, and this is kind of strange, is that the graphic quality looks very good, as far as we can tell from this small picture. It looks definitely more like GameCube than Game Boy. And it seems Mario Kart will be one of the first titles of the system, not very original, rather careful.
More details have emerged. It is now confirmed that the lower screen is a touch screen that works with a stylus, and one of the first games to make use of it will be a Mario game according to a demo in which Baby Mario falling from the sky was seen, here the stylus is used to control the fall of the character. The DS is said to be slightly more powerful than the Nintendo 64, it also uses Bluetooth wireless communication for multiplayer games and that means there's strictly no wire to connect between the systems of you and your friends. The console finally has two cartridge slots, one for the GBA games, one for small DS cards.
May 11, 2004
_ Second Sight
Free Radical, the makers of TimeSplitters 2 and TimeSplitters Future Perfect (coming next year), have another FPS up their sleeve. Second Sight is its name and it's not your common blast-and-kill'em all shooter, you can use psychic powers and weird abilities to explore a complex storyline which seems once again to have time as one of its themes. You will indeed be able to play some scenes from the past of the main character. That sounds interesting, as well as the rest that you check in our preview. The game will be edited by Codemasters, hopefully they have reconsidered their no-GameCube title policy, or else, we'll burry them under bucket loads of crap. Aren't we nice ?
May 8, 2004

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_ Megaman X Command Mission
Capcom is preparing a new Megaman for GameCube and this time it's a RPG starring Megaman X and six of his friends including Zero and Axel. You'll hear more about this game next week during the E3, we can already tell you its release is planned for July in Japan and will feature an innovative fighting system, or so I heard.
May 8, 2004

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_ Vivendi's line up
If Vivendi wants to beat EA, they'd better start releasing more games, and interesting ones, on GameCube.
Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro must save the Dragon Realms from the Evil Red Dragon who has planted light-sapping Dark Gems all over the Dragon Realms in an attempt to capture and control the world. With the help of his allies, Spyro must seek out and destroy all of the Dark Gems to return the lands back to normal and to save the Dragon Realms from the evil dragon's tyrannical control. Full of brand new dragon powers and abilities, gadgets, real-time morphing environments and five playable characters, A Hero's Tail is the greatest Spyro adventure yet! Spyro: A Hero's Tail is scheduled for release fourth quarter 2004
our 2 cents: well, could be interesting though I don't like Spyro games
StarCraft: Ghost StarCraft: Ghost, Blizzard Entertainment's upcoming tactical-action console game, refines the epic experience of StarCraft to the level of the individual soldier. Engage the StarCraft universe face-to-face as Nova, a deadly Ghost operative in the employ of the Dominion. With the help of a determined group of allies, follow story-driven missions that take you from massive planetary battles through dangerous solo operations to an unexpected turn of events that leaves the fate of the universe in your hands. Featuring a revolutionary new style of gameplay that showcases Nova's physical and psionic abilities, as well as an arsenal of sophisticated weaponry, off-planet call-downs, and vehicles straight out of the StarCraft strategy game.
our 2 cents: not a FPS that seems particularly interesting so far
May 7, 2004
_ Empty Sega's line up
In their official press release, Sega didn't bother to mention officially any GameCube titles even though they are supposed to show 3 games including 2 exlusive: Puyo Pop Fever and Amazing Island. The third game being Virtua Quest aka Virtua Fighter Cybeer Generation, see below. That's kind of strange, whether they don't give a poo about our favorite console, whether they plan some separate announcement. We'll see later but let's not start to imagine things, though I must say, I do expect some Sega-Nintendo announcements because of Nintendo's statement to increase partnership with third parties.
May 7, 2004
_ Activision's line up
Let's see which surprises Activision has in its hat.
DreamWorks' Shark Tale Players experience the fun and adventure of the DreamWorks movie by assuming the role of Oscar, a fast-talking little fish working his way up the food chain, who becomes an unlikely hero as he searches for an easy path to fame and fortune.
our 2 cents: doesn't look very appealing
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate EventsLemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events is based on the book series and upcoming Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies film starring Jim Carrey, Jude Law and Meryl Streep. It is the only game that lets players experience first-hand the misadventures of the savvy and resilient Baudelaire orphans.
our 2 cents: could be interesting
The MoviesDeveloped by Lionhead Studios' Peter Molyneux, a pioneer in the "life simulation" genre, The Movies lets gamers become Hollywood players, by creating unique movies and releasing them from the studios they build, starring the actors they discover and develop.
our 2 cents: looks very exciting and promising
Spider-Man 2Based upon the biggest movie event of the summer from Sony Pictures Entertainment's Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios, and including other world famous Marvel comic book characters, players experience what it's like to be the world's most celebrated Super Hero, Spider-Man. Players can swing, sling, dive, jump and scale the heights of Manhattan to protect the innocent, in a living city with Super Villains, common criminals, vehicles, trains and helicopters.
our 2 cents: looks as uninteresting as the first one, I'll pass
X-Men LegendsThe first 3D action-RPG based on the popular Marvel characters, the X-Men, X-Men Legends challenges players to master the attributes of their favorite X-Men by creating, customizing and controlling teams of four mutants in real time. Assuming the role of more than a dozen popular Super Heroes, each with individual mutant powers and fighting skills, including Wolverine , Gambit and Storm , players lead teams of mutants as they battle the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and other Marvel villains on a quest to stop the extinction of mankind and determine the fate of the world.
our 2 cents: unsure, good idea but skeptical about the look and gameplay
May 7, 2004
_ EA's big and boring lineup
Sports, movies, licences, sequels, that's what EA is made of. That sucks, but players suck even more by byuing it.
FIFA Football 2005 Great football players need a great first touch-and the same is now true for gamers with FIFA Football 2005. Using an all-new fluid player kinetic system, a player's first touch becomes a key advantage for players who can think quickly and act fast to outsmart the competition. An all-new animation system reacts to every button press with authentic responsiveness, directly translating to the speed and vision of the world's greatest players. With more than 350 official team and league licenses from around the world, more than 12,000 officially licensed players, and an enhanced Career Mode, FIFA Football 2005 is the only complete, authentic, and intelligent football experience. FIFA Football 2005 is scheduled to ship this autumn.
our 2 cents: I hate soccer
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 2005 Challenge the Man Who Changed Golf Forever-Tiger Woods. Tiger-Proof your favourite course and change the way the game is played in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 2005. Using the revolutionary course-altering system, create that intensely challenging course you've always dreamed about. Modify course dynamics and call out your PGA TOUR rivals by adding lengthier Tiger Tees, tighter fairways, dramatic undulation to greens, deeper bunkers, higher rough, and more. The power to create golf's biggest challenge is in your hands. With an enhanced EA SPORTS Game Face featuring non-proportional bone scaling and texture blending for realistic looks, plus new clothes, more manufacturers, and more variety, the time to become the greatest golfer on the PGA TOUR is now.
our 2 cents: sorry Mr. Woods but I'm looking forward to Legend of Golfer
Madden NFL 2005 Madden NFL 2005 introduces the Hit Stick, which gives players the ability to turn a game around with a crucial tackle and delivers the power to take control of the game from the defensive side of the ball like never before. Along with all-new defensive pre-play controls and defensive AI enhancements, the defence now has a diverse arsenal of weapons available, making defence as fun to play as offence. The incredible depth of Franchise Mode grows with the new Storyline Central, where you manage the players and stories of the week. You can get the latest scoop on your team by listening to Tony Bruno's weekly sports radio talk show and scanning stories in both local and national newspapers, while getting the inside word from your coaches, trainers and front office staff. Madden NFL 2005 is scheduled to ship in August
our 2 cents: I'm not interested in that either
NBA Live 2005 Elevate your game on both ends of the court with NBA LIVE 2005. With EA SPORTS Freestyle Control, create awe-inspiring dribble moves, highlight-reel dunks, and tenacious defensive plays that express your individual playing style. All new 10-man Freestyle adds individual player movements and spacing, creating a realistic feel like never before. Enhanced player graphics that vividly reproduce each NBA player reach new heights, while multiple game modes including EA SPORTS Dynasty ModeTM put you in the middle of the action. Levitate and create with NBA LIVE 2005. The game is scheduled to ship this autumn
our 2 cents: yeah, why not, but at the bottom of my priority list
NHL 2005 Delivering top shelf gameplay that captures the speed, finesse, and hard-hitting action of pro hockey, EA SPORTS lights it up in its 13th season of NHL action with NHL 2005. New EA SPORTS Open Ice Control allows players to execute complex offensive plays such as give-and-goes and breakaway passes or call for a defensive double team with the touch of a button. EA SPORTS Dynasty Mode goes even deeper with a new, easier to navigate interface, and more interactive GM/owner relationships, including a new email system. NHL 2005 also delivers all the action of the hotly-anticipated World Cup of Hockey, with the top eight International Teams and venues from North America and Europe. NHL 2005 is scheduled to ship this autumn.
our 2 cents: no, thank you
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent Why save the world when you can rule it? Going where no previous James BondTM game has dared to tread, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent breaks all the rules. Transport to the dark side of the Bond universe to experience life as a high-rolling, cold-hearted villain. As an aspiring 00 agent gone bad, you're recruited by Auric Goldfinger in a ruthless war against Dr. No for control of the Bond underworld. A brutal encounter with Dr. No costs you an eye, but Goldfinger's technicians replace it with a gold-hued, synthetic eye, earning you the name 'GoldenEye'. With the ability to customize and upgrade your villain persona, wreak havoc as you make your unrelenting rise through the ranks. On globe-spanning missions of vengeance and demolition, cross paths with such infamous allies and enemies as Oddjob, Scaramanga, Xenia Onatopp, and, of course, Pussy Galore. GoldenEye: Rogue Agent is scheduled to ship this autumn
our 2 cents: good they didn't try to make a true sequel, tired of Bond games though
Catwoman A classic story of betrayal and revenge unravels in Catwoman, based on the Warner Bros. Pictures feature film of the same name. Gamers will control Halle Berry as Catwoman as they play the movie, utilizing her unique cat-like skills, senses, and cunning to defeat her enemies. The film and game are based upon the DC Comics character and follow the story of Patience Phillips, who is killed after she uncovers a dark secret held by her employers. Brought back to life by a rare Egyptian cat, she becomes Catwoman and sets out to discover the truth about herself and her murderer. Boasting incredible acrobatic skills, Catwoman can leap across roofs, run up walls, pounce on prey, utilize unique "cat senses," and avoid enemy bullets with feline grace. In addition, she can use her whip to swing through the air and utilize the fully interactive environments to trap or knock her foes unconscious. The game will take players through more than multiple levels set in seven different locations from the movie. Catwoman is scheduled for release this summer
our 2 cents: sounds just as stupid and boring as the Spider-Man games
Def Jam: Fight For New York The ultimate hip-hop fueled fighting game, Def Jam Fight For NY challenges players to step into the shoes of a ruthless street fighter battling for control of the hip-hop underground. The game features an all-new fighting engine including weapons, interactive environments and five unique fighting styles that can be combined to form dozens of customized hybrid styles for the ultimate edge on the streets. Def Jam Fight For NY features more than 40 of the most well-known artists and personalities in hip-hop today, including Busta Rhymes, Carmen Electra, Lil' Kim, Ludacris, Method Man, Redman, Sean Paul, Slick Rick, Snoop Dogg, and many more. The game is scheduled to ship in September 2004.
our 2 cents: due to my allergy to hip-hop crap... may this game rot in hell !
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter fans will experience the magic and peril of Harry's third year at Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. For the first time gamers will play as friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger as well as Harry Potter, switching between characters and utilizing their key attributes and skills to resolve challenges and overcome enemies. The three friends will need to combine their strengths and master a variety of new spells as they face Harry's most terrifying opponents yet: the escaped convict Sirius Black and the Dementors, the sinister guards of Azkaban prison. Players will unravel the mystery surrounding Sirius Black and his escape from the infamous wizard prison Azkaban, as they take part in the most exciting and challenging Harry Potter videogame adventure yet. Gamers will encounter a host of new characters and creatures, engage in a variety of sub-quests, fly on a Hippogriff, and reveal the secrets of the Marauder's Map. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is scheduled to release in June.
our 2 cents: the last HP game was an absurde crap, expect the same from this one
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age Experience the first console role-playing game set in The Lord of the Rings universe in The Lord of the Rings, The Third Age. Travel in the wake of the Fellowship in a unique structure that allows players to explore their own path while periodically intersecting the major events of New Line Cinema's film trilogy. Traverse through both familiar and seldom-glimpsed locations as you fight to save or destroy Middle-earth in an epic adventure. Encounter the demonic Balrog in the Mines of Moria, defend the fallen city of Osgiliath, or try to win the battle at Helm's Deep. These choices and many more will confront you as you align yourself with the people of Middle-earth or undertake missions on behalf of Sauron. The Lord of the Rings, The Third Age is scheduled to ship this autumn.
our 2 cents: EA thinks they haven't sucked enough blood and money from the trilogy
The URBZ: Sims in the City The Sims have moved to the city where action is 24/7 and reputation means everything. Sims who live in the City are known as Urbz, and they have a bold new look and attitude. Go to work and be challenged by bosses at locations like the Sushi Bar, Chop Shop, or Bootleg Fireworks, Inc. Success at work brings promotions, access to new power socials, and gear to influence your new lifestyle. Flaunt your attitude by styling your Urbz using the detailed new character engine; then cross the velvet ropes of an uptown night club or explore the subway to earn new skills and items for your high-rise crib. It's up to you whether your Urbz become big-time players or get lost in the crowd. It's all about reputation as the Urbz are living the dream in a City that never sleeps. The Game Boy Advance version of The URBZ: Sims in the City also has a brand new city adventure set in Miniopolis, a bustling city poised on the brink of ruin. To thwart Daddy BigBuck's evil schemes you have to get access throughout the city by building up your reputation to become the biggest "player" in the city. The URBZ: Sims in the City is scheduled to be released (...) in the autumn of 2004.
our 2 cents: will it really regenerate the Sims or just be one more crappy idea ?
TimeSplitters Future Perfect TimeSplitters Future Perfect marks the return of one of the most critically acclaimed console first-person shooters, where victory is in the hands of the player's past, present, and future selves in a battle that stretches throughout time. Humanity is on the brink of destruction from the malevolent TimeSplitters. Cortez-the tough-as-nails hero from previous installments-finds himself in a frantic race against time in a desperate bid to trace the origin of the TimeSplitters. This third installment of the franchise will feature hundreds of hours of gameplay and an improved Story mode that ties all the missions together, immersing gamers in an epic adventure between the years of 1914 and 2401. Innovative "meet yourself" time travel gameplay lets players be their own ally by teaming up with past and future versions of themselves. The game will also feature a single player Co-op mode, an extensive Arcade mode and much more. TimeSplitters Future Perfect is scheduled for release in early 2005.
our 2 cents: by far the most interesting game in EA's schedule, thank you Free Radical
May 7, 2004
_ Pool Paradise
Not really an E3 game, actually, I have no idea it it'll be shown or not, but this game is in the news at the moment. Normally, it wouldn't even have made it in Samurai N given that it's a little third party game for multi-systems, but I heard the GameCube version was delayed in order to improve it. I felt it was quite touching so I decided we could find a little place for this billiards game. It's not the first of its kind on GameCube, there's already been one released in Japan: Pool Edge by Media Kite. Anyway, good luck to Pool Paradise !
May 4, 2004

[ + ]
_ Screenshots for Virtua Fighter Cyber Generation
This new approach of Virtua Fighter by Sega will be showcased during the E3 but here are already some screenshots. Honestly, the game doesn't look very exciting. The main character is quite awful and stupid looking, and so are the other characters, the graphics look dull and poorly inspired, hence the back impatience score I give it.
May 4, 2004

[ + ]
_ THQ's turn
THQ's turn to unveil its E3 line up. Once again, strictly no surprise, it's just as you can see it in the initial list we published based on IGN's. Anyway, let's see what they have to say:
The Incredibles Following the success of the Finding Nemo videogame, which shipped more than five million units worldwide, The Incredibles is the second offering in THQ's three property deal with Disney and Pixar. The Incredibles tells the story of a family of undercover superheroes that are trying to live a quiet, suburban life, but are forced back into action in order to save the world. The game is expected to launch simultaneously with the film, which will hit theaters on November 5, 2004. The Incredibles videogame will bring action and adventure (...) this fall.
our 2 cents: Nemo didn't look good, the idea here sounds better for a game
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Based on the highly anticipated November 2004 release of "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie," this action platform game is being developed by Heavy Iron Studios, creators of the critically acclaimed SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, released in October 2003. The SpongeBob character continues to hold the #1 Q-score rating for kids aged 6-14 and is the most watched animated show in TV history by kids. The franchise also has all-ages appeal, with 30% of viewers between ages 18-49. Scheduled (...) this fall.
our 2 cents: I won't fit in these pants
The Polar Express Based on the tent-pole holiday release from Warner Bros. Pictures, The Polar Express, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks, brings the magic of Christmas to life in beautiful CG animation. The game is being developed by THQ's Australian studio and will ship (...) in conjunction with the film release this holiday season.
our 2 cents: we'll see at X-Mas, not excited for now
WWE Day of Reckoning Developed by Yukes, WWE Day of Reckoning features the WWE's top Superstars including, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit and Triple H. Players will transform a rookie's dream into a Superstar's reality as they fight their way to the top of WWE programming in an all-new story mode filled with deception and betrayal. WWE Day of Reckoning from THQ and JAKKS Pacific is scheduled for release on the GameCube this fall.
our 2 cents: THQ's most interesting GC offer so far, just before The Incredibles
THQ reports they will also showcase Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams, though they don't mention for which systems.
May 4, 2004
_ Namco's line up
Namco unveiled its E3's line up, so far, no surprise for the GameCube. Here's what they have to say about it:
Street Racing Syndicate Nights are filled with high-risk, nitrous-injected, illegal racing on real city streets in Namco's Street Racing Syndicate. With money, pink slips and respect always on the line, and cops lurking behind every corner, SRS is taking street racing games to a new level. Players can customize over 40 licensed cars with authentic parts, cool paint, and anything else bought or won from sanctioned or illegal races. Race in both closed track and open city environments, meet at secret locations or pull up on opponents on the open streets. And for the first time ever, throw down with real-life opponents all over the world via online pink slip races. From hot cars with lifelike physics and damage, to beautiful models picked from the pages of today's top import magazines, SRS delivers the most intense, complete street racing experience ever in a video game. Shipping in Autumn 2004.
our 2 cents: could be interesting if the babes are not here to hide a poor game
Tales of Symphonia Tales of Symphonia is the latest installment in Namco's enormously popular Tales franchise. Using characters designed by renowned anime artist Kosuke Fujishima, Tales of Symphonia allows players to command real-time battles in a unique 3D battle system that gives them full control over the characters, executing hundreds of special attacks and magic spells. With more than a dozen mini-games and side quests at the player's disposal, Tales of Symphonia offers over 80 game play hours. The game will ship exclusively for the Nintendo GameCube entertainment system in July 2004.
our 2 cents: definitely one of the must-buy of this year !
Baten Kaitos Enter Baten Kaitos on a journey to unlock the mystery of the lost sea in an enchanting story of friendship, betrayal, and prayer. Over 1000 types of "Magnus" cards deliver an intense battle system combined with breathtaking graphics and a world overflowing with character detail. Baten Kaitos will be available for the Nintendo GameCube.
our 2 cents: definitely one of the must-buy of this year !
Hopefully, the size of text that they bother to write about one game is not reflecting the way they're going to promote it. Needless to say that of all these games, you should be the most excited about the ones whose paragraph is the smallest...
May 4, 2004
_ Useless news
Yoshiaki Koizumi, co-director of Super Mario Sunshine, will present a new title during the E3. It's absolutely unknown what this title is and even for what platform it's aimed at (could be GameCube but GBA or DS as well). That's what we call a dumb news item, it's absolutely useless, because it just tells you that a guy at Nintendo is making a game, which is generally why they are there. Still, you can read this everywhere on the Net and even now on Samurai Nintendo ! x_x
May 4, 2004
_ A megaton from Sega ? Oh not again !
Now, don't start to imagine that I slept for 6 days. There was just nothing important to update and/or I was too lazy to do so. Anyway it seems Sega sent to some decent gaming sites (that means not to Samurai N) an e-mail in which they say they have a big surprise coming for the E3. Some already speculate about a come back to the making of hardware; it seems unlikely though, Sega is not doing that well, the coming merger with Sammy is still hanging above their head. Hopefully this announcement will be GameCube related... (let's dream)
May 4, 2004
_ Opening of the E3 section
Alright, here it is, a little in advance: Samurai Nintendo's E3 section which will try to provide you with a good coverage (better than last year, hum, hum) of what's happening on the showfloor, but not only. As we all know, the E3 starts and finishes at least 2 weeks before and after the time it actually takes place. Well yeah: rumours, leaks, exclusive pics, early or delayed information, forgotten material, all this doesn't wait the official dates to spread on the Net. The E3 it's one full month of exciting gaming news, once a year only, so let's have fun !
The first updates will come in a few hours... after I slept !
April 28, 2004
