:: I see... Odama ! (10 screenshots)
May 19, 2005   2:33am

This one, Odama, is still after a year the game I'm the most interested in among all the unreleased GC games. And how could anyone not feel the same ? I mean, is there a most interesting period than feudal Japan ? Is there something more fun and more largely overlooked by the current generation of consoles than pinball games ? And is there any game who looks more crazy, utterly original and different than Odama ? To all these questions, no, there isn't, and hopefully people will realize it, thanks God or whoever-whatever for blessing our GameCube with this wacky title and rush to buy it when it releases.

In the meantime, we have some new screenshots as well as some very interesting information, to read... in some other news !

›› Screenshots moved to the Odama game page