Official story and features:
"Ikaruga is conceptually a successor to "Radiant Silver Gun" (Sega Saturn) from Treasure, the most cutting edge and highly acclaimed console arcade shooting game. It combines reflex and dexterity. Ikaruga is a comprehensive, scrolling space shooter (with options for either a vertical or horizontal display) set in 2D, against a rich 3D backdrop. The game is an ideal combination of rich Japanese storytelling and high-powered, fighter pilot heroics. The player's ship can switch from a black side to a white side in order to absorb black or white bullets, which give an extra element to game-play."
Story from Atari site
"- Cutting edge and highly acclaimed console arcade shooting game.
- GameCube user friendly tutorial mode
- Easy pick-up controls
- Amazing 3D backgrounds
- Fantastic effects"
Features from Atari site