To the Game Boy Advance Index
No cartridge required
Players: 1 to 4
Connection: GC Amazing Island
Use: Transfer your monster to GBA for battles with your friends. Alone, acquire special GBA-only monster-building items.
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No cartridge required
Players: 1
Connection: GC Animal Crossing
Use: Download the pattern editor, some NES games and visit the tropical island.
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No cartridge required
Players: 1 to 4
Connection: GC Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
Use: Download some mini-games on your GBA: Chu Chu Rocket, NiGHTS Score Attack, Puyo Pop and Billy Hatcher Hyper Shoot Easy/Hard.
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No cartridge required
Players: 1 to 4
Connection: GC Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Use: Required for team play, used as the controller and offers personal data, status, maps. Unlock mini-games also.
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No cartridge required
Players: 1 to 4
Connection: GC Kururin Squash
Use: Play a mini-game where you have to find the same picture as the one displayed on your GBA.
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No cartridge required
Players: 1 to 4
Connection: GC Nintendo Puzzle Collection
Use: Download any of the three main games in their original version: Dr. Mario (NES), Yoshi's Cookie (NES) and Panel de Pon (SNES).
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No cartridge required
Players: 2 to 4
Connection: GC Pac-Man Vs
Use: Allows the player controlling Pac-Man to see the full action.
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No cartridge required
Players: 1
Connection: GC Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II
Use: Download four mini games on GBA: Tiny Chao Garden, NiGHTS Score Attack, Chu Chu Rocket and Puyo Pop.
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No cartridge required
Players: 1
Connection: GC Sonic Adventure DX
Use: Download the Tiny Chao Garden and perform other Chao-oriented operations.
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No cartridge required
Players: 1
Connection: GC Wario World
Use: The trial versions of 8 mini-games from Wario Ware, Inc: Mega Microgame$.
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To the Game Boy Advance Index